Minimal Viable Product Today

What is the one productive thing I can create today? That’s a new question I’m asking myself to progress with my projects. The goal is to continuously improve them with small steps, instead of doing rare leapfrog. This approach will allow for quick tests and better further improvements.

I realize this by filtering the number of online feeds. Specifically, I recently finished Steph Smith’s “Doing Content Right“, where she explains why she only follows 100 people on Twitter. It’s the conscious decision to choose signal over noise. I do the same with my Feedly – sticking only to 100 feeds that actually provide me useful information. And to make room for my own creation.

Therefore this post is the way to experiment. To deliver today an MVP in form of a thought. It doesn’t have to be polished. There will be time for that in the future. Now it’s time to play with projects. To show them to the world, gather feedback, and go forward.


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