What is the Nerd on Tour Newsletter?

It’s an insightful email newsletter revolving around:

  1. Technology – How to stay in control of it? How to mindfully use it as a tool for the greater good?
  2. Tourism – How to traverse cultures and worlds while being compassionate and open? How to build long-lasting business connections to better serve travelers?
  3. Mobility – What are the tools that help you stay in motion and work on the go? How to remain nimble and resilient in any circumstances?

Each email includes insightful articles, useful apps, recommended (audio)books and many more. In the newsletter, you’ll also find details about my own podcast episodes. Mind that in all my written works I try to find a balance between practicality and storytelling.

Sign up in the form below. Every Tuesday I’m sending a new email that’s perfectly adjusted for any size screen and remains fully readable in both text or HTML format. Read the privacy policy.

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