Consistency pieces

A month ago I wrote a short casual post and now I’d like to get back to that form. There are three reasons why it’s important to me. Firstly I see a good track record of habits that now became my second nature (yoga, dancing, sleeping). Secondly, I’m inspired by successful creators that publish regularly (Seth Godin, Wait But Why, Tim Ferriss). Thirdly I’d like to share valuable info between long-form articles that take much more time to prepare.
The Social Dilemma
I watched this documentary a few days after it was published on Netflix and I’m really happy that it’s now gaining real global momentum. This topic is highly relevant despite how often you use Social Media. The film is a great synthesis for an average person and soon I’ll publish my extensive commentary. It will contain important questions, examples, and sources to help you deal if toxic business practices that now pollute the “social” corner of the Internet.

G Suite is now Google Workspace
My company Nerd on Tour LTD is an official G Suite Reseller. Now I should write Google Workspace Reseller and while the name seems to be just a cosmetic change, there are few other more crucial changes. In the last few months, Google was deploying Meet as an advanced video conferencing tool for all users. Now when many organizations have established their digital workflow, Google is introducing tiers more in line with users’ needs.
I’ve been using Gmail and Google Apps since their inceptions and I’m still satisfied with how the whole suite of services is evolving. Additional tools like Drive, Docs, Photos are tied to one convenient platform and with G Suite (now Workspace) privacy certifications I have the reassurance that personal data is not leaked or sold.

Many web dev projects
I’m fortunate that my web development work is expanding in the last few weeks. I feel great satisfaction from creating interactive online spaces that are useful for people. Thanks for reading and let’s back to work.