Time is the only common denominator. Fortunately, our perception of it is subjective and open for interpretation. This allows us to choose and value the time we spend on important activities. For me, the act of writing is one of them. I love every single part of it – the struggle to focus, the slow process and the lightweight output that fits any screen. Here’s a random blog post to play with creativity.

This is not a (deep dive) guide

Usability is a metric I apply while typing guide articles. Research can take me from intensive few hours to a few months of trials and errors. Then I synthesize the key insights and make them as accessible as possible. If you’re interested – read the one about setting up a company in the United Kingdom or the other one about managing your digital nomad travel and accommodation during the global pandemic.

Yet here I just wanted to write a shorter and casual style piece. It’s a way for me to get back to the roots of the blogosphere. I want to treat this digital place as a journal. To write down about important updates of my journey and link to thoughtful posts of folks I admire.

Thoughts enclosed in letters

I’m one of these people that started many blog sites on a whim of interests. That was an important learning experience that slowly but steadily turned into a web dev profession I do today. Also, over a period of fifteen years, I have been following the progress of like-minded bloggers. Like me, some of them changed their web domains and article topics. One thing remains the same – that writing is a grace method of passing thoughts.

Mateusz’s Art vs Entropy watercolor painting

And so it goes – Mateusz Urbanowicz, my Polish artist friend living in Japan, recently reinitiated his blog (writes in English). Being aware of his creative process allows you to appreciate more the final output and understand that we all face challenges.

Michał’s Instagram photo of Shinjuku

Another Polish friend living in Japan – Michał Mazur – also decided to come back to blogging (writes in Polish). For years and years, I’ve been digging into his social observations of Japanese culture. I’m glad to read again about unique Japanese phenomenons and his visits to other destinations.

That’s it

Blogs are a freeform expression and I feel that I haven’t done enough in this realm. Practical guides and thematic articles are still going to be published here. Every now and then expect short posts like this one.