Time is the only common denominator. Fortunately, our perception of it is subjective and open for interpretation. This allows us to choose and value the time we spend on important activities. For me, the act of writing is one of them. I love every single part of it – the struggle
Guillaume Lorain – Blogger that combines traveling solo and creating profitable websites
July 24, 2020
For the second episode of the Nerd on Tour Podcast, I invited Guillaume Lorain – a digital nomad from France. He runs a sustainable network of French blogs and provides web dev consulting. Microsoft branch in Paris was the place where Guillaume started, later on establishing his location-independent freelance gigs. That
Fajar Siddiq – From Pro Yo-Yo to Digital Nomad – Thoughtful Leader in the Maker Community
July 03, 2020
This is the very first deep conversation recorded for the Nerd on Tour Podcast. I couldn’t ask for a better guest than Fajar Siddiq. A known influencer in the Maker Community, who is always there for you to support, provide feedback, and help to get customers for your bootstrapped
Stranded Abroad: Guide for Digital Nomads and Travelers affected by the coronavirus
April 05, 2020
I’m one of over a billion people that travel. Moreover, I work in the tourism industry and the global spread of the new virus is partly caused by the freedom of movement we have had. COVID-19 pandemic is (according to the history) a once in a century occurrence. Beyond
Lycamobile – the operator with the worst customer service
July 27, 2019
A summer in Italy in 2009 was the beginning of my work as a tour operator representative. For about five months I took care of tourists at the Adriatic coast. Besides working in the field — conducting trips, meeting with customers and agencies — I had a lot of office responsibilities. Without
Global Game Jam: 10 reasons to participate
January 19, 2019
Every year, at the end of January thousands nerds around the world will meet to participate in the extraordinary event. Global Game Jam is a truly global gathering focused on game creation. PC games, mobile games, any games. Every gamer, who has ever dreamed to develop their own game, should
LTD in the UK – British company finances
January 05, 2019
Once you solidify your business idea, learn about the basics and register LTD in Companies House, it’s time to handle the cash flow. From where and how payments for services and products will be coming to you? Where will you keep business funds? How to manage and move them
LTD in the UK – How to set up a business in Great Britain?
August 24, 2018
At the time, when I was setting up my company in 2014, the online form was complex and detailed. The subpages with LTD guides were also, a bit different. As everything on the Internet, the Companies House portal is in constant development. Therefore, following screenshots and guide steps can differ